This year has flown by….Ami is three days shy of his kindergarten graduation and Ezra is a one year old running, screaming ball of energy! We celebrated Ezra’s birthday with close family and friends Dr. Seuss themed (post to follow).
Ami started Brazilian Jui Jitsu and as usual I spend my days chasing after my boys and and trying to keep my sanity through it all.
Our family has been on a slow journey to a wholefood, organic and holistic lifestyle (the process has been very slow trust me…resistance is strong LOL)!
Our journey has led us to many new and exciting ways of living life. && We have acquired so much knowledge to help us transition from the best food options and holistic remedies for our family to the best cleaning products…this has allowed for so much personal growth as well.
For the rest of the year I have promised myself to focus on enjoying the little moments in life and growth! As a mommy to boys… my main focus is raising compassionate, kind and gentle children. As a wife putting love and effort into building a loving a resilient relationship with my husband(we have a pretty kick ass relationship but there is always room for improvement)! And lastly, from a social standpoint….I want to truly connect with others…not in quantity but quality, in a world that makes connection so easy it almost becomes hard.
It is unbelievable how time has flow by…I feel as if it was just yesterday that I wrote my first post on pregnancy and now my little guy is running and has such a big personality…it really makes you stop and smell the roses for a moment! Especially when you realize these moments pass so quickly in life!
I promise to update more often…..but you can always follow me on IG @thegreatmombie for daily updates on our crazy family!
all my love
Angie 🙂